Listen to Nassau COBA's monthly podcast to learn more

Partner Sean Riordan was interviewed on the Nassau County Correction Officers Benevolent Association's podcast: COBA Monthly. Host, and NC COBA President, Brian Sullivan and Sean discussed Workers' Comp benefits available for officers injured in the course of their duty and the procedures to follow when you are injured on the job. This includes filling out the proper paper work to begin your workers' compensation claim, obtaining the necessary treatment your doctor prescribes for your injury and hurdles that you may face throughout the process. Sean highlights the process of negotiations with the workers' compensation board and insurance companies, while working with injured workers to get the compensation they deserve.

Sean also discussed the legal elements that a Correction Officer must prove in order to receive 3/4’s retirement benefits due to a permanent disability. Retirement Law Section 607-C benefits were highlighted in the conversation and Sean discussed the various cases currently being litigated which may impact 3/4’s benefits.

MDASR has worked closely with the Nassau Correction Officers in an effort to protect and progress the benefit rights of those who are injured on the job. If you have been injured while working as a corrections officer you may qualify for workers' compensation benefits. Our attorneys have successfully litigated virtually every type of claim that can come before the Workers' Compensation Board. We have successfully obtained millions of dollars in monetary benefits for our clients. If you have been hurt on the job and have lost time from work, you may qualify to receive a portion of your lost wages and medical expenses. We are dedicated to protecting people who are injured on the job and work our hardest to see that they are justly compensated. Call our office today at (866) 557-7500 to set up a free consultation.

COBA Monthly Podcast August 2019 – Correction Officers Workers’ Comp