MDASR • Media Review

“‘Buddy system’ approach to worker safety comes with caveats”

Louise Esola | Business Insurance • September 4, 2024

In a recent article by Louise Esola from Business Insurance, safety experts weighed in on the benefits and challenges of the “buddy system” for mitigating workplace injuries in high-risk environments. While pairing workers can reduce the likelihood of injuries, especially in hot weather and confined spaces, concerns remain about the system’s overall effectiveness.

Critics point to the potential for inconsistent safety practices, higher costs, and the risk of new workers adopting bad habits from their peers. Experts stress the need for structured oversight and management to ensure the buddy system supports a broader risk management program.

At McIntyre, Donohue, Accardi, Salmonson, & Riordan, LLP, we understand that workplace injuries can still occur despite safety measures. Our team specializes in navigating the complexities of workers’ compensation, helping you focus on recovery while we fight for your rights.

Call us today at 866.557.7500 to get the support you deserve!

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Source: Louise Esola | Business Insurance – “‘Buddy system’ approach to worker safety comes with caveats”

Contact: Kate Rodis – Social Media | Communications Manager • Email: