MDASR • Media Review

“New employees injured at highest levels: Travelers”

Jon Campisi | Business Insurance • August 5, 2024

The article by Jon Campisi in Business Insurance highlights a report indicating that employees in their first year on the job account for 35% of all workers’ compensation claims from 2017 to 2021, making them the most prone to workplace injuries.

The report, based on 1.2 million workers’ comp claims across the U.S., identified overexertion (29%), slips, trips, and falls (23%), and being struck by objects (12%) as the most frequent causes of these injuries. Contributing factors include inexperience, workforce shortages, and maintenance issues. The construction industry is particularly affected, with the highest average number of lost workdays due to injuries. Travelers released this report to encourage employers to improve training and safety protocols to reduce these incidents.

Don’t let work-related injuries or accidents put your life on hold! Despite safety measures in place, mishaps can still occur. At McIntyre, Donohue, Accardi, Salmonson, & Riordan, LLP, we understand the complexities of workers’ compensation, and we’re here to champion your case.

With our expert legal team by your side, you can focus on recovery while we fight for your rights. Ready to take control? Give us a call at 866.557.7500.

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Source: Jon Campisi | Business Insurance – “New employees injured at highest levels: Travelers”

Contact: Kate Rodis – Social Media | Communications Manager • Email: