For the first time, the FDNY deployed one of its three drones over a fire in the Bronx. Having a birds-eye view helped the crew on the ground monitor the safety of the group trying to control the fire, as well as letting them better direct them as well. This ultimately lead to the ground team being able to keep firefighters safeThe drone was manned by firefighters who are part of the FDNY Command Tactical Unit, who are trained specifically to operate the drones. An article posted on goes into greater detail, stating, “The FDNY drone is tethered using a small cable that carries electricity up to the device, which gives the drone an unlimited flight time. The drone can stay aloft for as long as necessary to keep an aerial view on the target. All controls, data, and power transmit back and forth through the tether preventing interference with radio frequency signals. The drone is piloted by specially trained FDNY Firefighters from the Department’s Command Tactical Unit. The Department currently has three drones in its fleet to deploy as needed.” The safety of these firefighters and individuals alike is paramount to the FDNY, and new technology has only helped that cause.

The use of their drones is not the only new method they’ve used. The FDNY has recently reported being able to respond to medical emergencies quicker due to ‘fly cars’. The pilot program, which took off last summer according to the New York Post, has cut response time by more than a minute. As detailed by an article on NY Post, “Fly cars are accompanied by pared down “basic life support” ambulances, which can transport people to the hospital. If the fly car’s paramedic and lieutenant are no longer needed to perform first aid, they can then move on to the next emergency.”

FDNY commissioner touts faster response times with ‘fly cars’

FDNY Launches Drone For The First Time To Respond to Fire In The Bronx