75 new detectives to protect the Bronx

By |2017-04-13T20:30:26+00:00February 16th, 2017|Justice System, Media, Officers|

New York City and the NYPD has stated a victory in finding that the number of homicides has gone down, but in the case of what has become New York's most violent borough-the Bronx-the NYPD has gone to new lengths to bring it up to par with Manhattan and the rest of the five boroughs. [...]

Columbia grad students win battle to unionize

By |2017-01-27T19:59:44+00:00December 14th, 2016|Media|

Some time ago, an article titled Timeline of Tug of War for Graduate Student Unions was posted. This past Friday, the rope was pulled a littler harder in the students direction. Graduate students at Columbia University voted 1,602 to 623 in favor of the move to form a union. This union applies to graduate students who work as [...]

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