MDASR • Media Review

“EMS heart attack, stroke presumption raises employer concerns ”

Jon Campisi | Business Insurance • February 2024

New legislation enacted in New Jersey on January 16 has significantly broadened the scope of workers’ compensation, particularly for emergency medical services (EMS) workers, including volunteers. Authored by Jon Campisi for Business Insurance, the article highlights a pivotal change in how heart attacks and strokes suffered by EMS workers shortly after responding to an emergency call are treated under the state’s workers’ compensation laws.

Under this new mandate, such cardiovascular events are presumed to be work-related if they occur within 24 hours following an emergency response. This presumption, although rebuttable by employers, sets a high bar, requiring compelling evidence to prove the event was caused by non-work-related factors. John Geaney, a seasoned expert in workers’ compensation law, notes the challenges this presents for employers, given the multifaceted nature of heart attacks and strokes, which can be influenced by various factors including lifestyle and genetics.

In conclusion, New Jersey’s legislation represents a significant step forward in acknowledging and addressing the health risks faced by EMS workers and other first responders. By expanding the scope of compensable injuries to include heart attacks and strokes occurring shortly after emergency response duties, the state is setting a precedent that may influence further legislative changes across the country, prompting a reevaluation of what life-changing injuries are covered under workers’ compensation.

Don’t let work-related injuries or accidents put your life on hold! Despite safety measures in place, mishaps can still occur. At McIntyre, Donohue, Accardi, Salmonson, & Riordan, LLP, we understand the complexities of workers’ compensation, and we’re here to champion your case.

With our expert legal team by your side, you can focus on recovery while we fight for your rights. Ready to take control? Give us a call at 866.557.7500.