MDASR • Media Review

“Rise in comp claims severity hits construction”

Louise Esola | Business Insurance • December 2022

In the December issue of Business Insurance, Louise Esola dives into the recent rise in comp claims in the construction field. A panel of experts claim that medical advances drive the sudden rise. Workers get better treatment when injured; in most cases, they have access to a medevac helicopter to a level-one trauma center. Another example given in this article was amputations. Where a prosthetic would cost around $5,000, technological advances provide more function for an amputee, and costs can rise to $40,000 or more.

Another factor discussed was the challenge of finding qualified, experienced workers. Data has shown that newer workers tend to have a higher accident frequency rate. And the other concern becomes if you don’t have enough workers, the crew has to do more with less and work longer hours. The last topic discussed was the potential effect of marijuana legalization. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration does not allow employers to have a uniformed post-accident drug-testing program for fear that workers will not report accidents or injuries.

In conclusion, many aspects and factors regarding workers’ compensation and the process exist. When accidents happen and you are injured at work, turn to the lawyers at McIntyre, Donohue, Accardi, Salmonson, & Riordan, LLP to fight for you. Contact us today at: 866.557.7500.


Source: Louise Esola | Business Insurance • December 2022 • ““Rise in comp claims severity hits construction”