June 2023

Settlement Notice of Decisions | News Release

MDASR is on a winning spree, and we’re thrilled to share how we’ve been achieving groundbreaking results for our clients who’ve sustained workplace injuries. Here’s a snapshot of the phenomenal victories we’ve clinched for workers:

  • When a UPS Postal Worker hurt his left shoulder, back, and neck while repeatedly opening and closing his truck doors, we swung into action. The result? A massive award of $169,249.84. – That’s what we call a colossal success!
  • A Nursing Assistant became injured while at work. We rallied for her rights and clinched a settlement of $202,029.00. – A testament to our relentless fight!

At MDASR, we’re not just your representatives; we’re your committed champions fighting to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve!

*Keep in mind, however, that outcomes may vary.

Each case, like each injury, is unique and depends on its individuals circumstances.*